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The Pilates ring has been a key component for my hip therapy. The small ball is fun, I use it for standing posterior (single) leg lifts to balance. The larger therapeutic ball is excellent for so many different reasons, even bouncing on it doing sitting jumping jacks, bouncing around the room like a little kid, doing chest press with weights while laying on it in a extension pose for countering slumping, and pass-the-ball from legs to arms and repeat for core is excellent. Kettle Bells are dangerous unless one knows how to use them., I've been shying away except to do swings with light weights and modified stiff-legged dead lifts, but also kinda scary if any lower back problems unless form is perfect.

All in all an excellent article, great job. And it's so easy to do these at home, especially when lazy, walk out into the living room and start moving. Now all people need is motivation!

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